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#1 25/08/2014 20h43

Membre (2012)
Top 10 Expatriation
Top 5 Obligs/Fonds EUR
Top 50 Monétaire
Top 20 Invest. Exotiques
Top 20 Entreprendre
Top 20 Banque/Fiscalité
Réputation :   417  

La holding NII a fait défaut et ne paiera pas les coupons de toutes ses obligations.
En jetant un coup d’œil sur cbonds, le montant des obligations est énorme : plusieurs MILLIARDS de dollars !

Cbonds. International bonds: NII Holdings, 2016 (US67021BAD10, 67021BAD1)
Cbonds. International bonds: NII Holdings, 2019-3 (USL67466AB54, L67466AB5)
Cbonds. International bonds: NII Holdings, 2021 (US67021BAE92, 67021BAE9)
Cbonds. International bonds: NII Holdings, 2019-2 (USL67466AA71, L67466AA7)
Cbonds. International bonds: NII Holdings, 2019 (US67021BAC37, 67021BAC3)

Today’s Stock Market News and Analysis -

RESTON, Va., Aug. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- NII Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:NIHD) announced today that is has elected not to pay approximately $118.8 million in interest due on August 15, 2014 on senior notes issued by its subsidiaries NII Capital Corp. and NII International Telecom, S.C.A.  Under the terms of the indentures for the senior notes, there is a 30-day grace period during which the Company may elect to make the interest payments and cure any potential non-payment claims.

As previously disclosed, the Company continues to engage in discussions with holders of, and representatives of certain holders of, the senior notes issued by NII Capital Corp. and NII International Telecom regarding the potential terms on which the obligations evidenced by those senior notes could be restructured, including by exchanging all or a portion of the senior notes for equity interests in, or debt securities of, the reorganized Company. Currently the Company has not entered into any agreements relating to a potential restructuring of its obligations, and there can be no assurance that these efforts will result in any such agreement. Additional information regarding the processes for implementing any agreed or other restructuring either on a standalone basis or in conjunction with one or more other potential actions and the potential timing of those processes is included in the Company’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended on June 30, 2014 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 11, 2014.

Dernière modification par ZeBonder (25/08/2014 20h44)

Mots-clés : nii;nihd;défaut

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#2 25/08/2014 21h43

Membre (2011)
Top 10 Expatriation
Réputation :   96  

Merci pour le cas d’école, la vitesse a laquelle ils ont creusé le trou est impressionnante. Cette nouvelle ne doit pas etre une surprise pour ceux qui ont lu les derniers comptes trimestriels, les capitaux propres au 30 juin sont négatifs a hauteur d’un demi-milliard de dollars et ils semblent perdre de l’argent de maniere récurrente. Vu la destruction de valeur du business, on peut se demander quelle sera le % du nominal que les obligataires récupéreront.

PS comptes Q2 : Press Release - Investor Relations - NII Holdings et notamment
Current portion of long-term debt  5,555.3
Total liabilities 8,022.3

Dernière modification par kmo (25/08/2014 21h45)

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#3 26/08/2014 01h12

Membre (2012)
Top 10 Expatriation
Top 5 Obligs/Fonds EUR
Top 50 Monétaire
Top 20 Invest. Exotiques
Top 20 Entreprendre
Top 20 Banque/Fiscalité
Réputation :   417  

J’ai effectivement halluciné quand j’ai vu le montant des obligations émises.
Il y aura sans doute une conversion en actions mais vu le cours actuel des actions NII et ses résultats catastrophiques, elles vaudront leur pesant de cacahuètes sad

Dernière modification par ZeBonder (26/08/2014 01h12)

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